Halakhah in Jewish Daily Life and Practice


Is it OK to Blow Out Hanukkah Candles?

What do you do if you need to leave home after lighting your menorah.

Halakhah: Sources and Development

From biblical law, through classic rabbinic debate and medieval law codes, and continuing in the modern period, Jewish law has undergone constant development.

Halakhah: The Laws of Jewish Life

Halakhah is the "way" a Jew is directed to behave, encompassing civil, criminal and religious law.

Contemporary Jews and Halakhah

Jews of different stripes differ greatly with respect to their assessment of the role Jewish law should play today—and each camp has much to learn from the others.

Halakhah in Conservative Judaism

"Tradition and change" is the Conservative movement's motto, balancing adherence to Jewish law with a willingness to introduce major innovations.

Reconstructionist Judaism & Halacha

Reconstructionists see Jewish law as no longer viable, but still a resource to be taken seriously.

Orthodox Judaism & Halakhah

Orthodox Views on Halakhah. Views on Halakhah. Halakhah in Jewish Daily Life and Practice. Jewish Life.

Reform Judaism & Halakhah

Seeking guidance from the Jewish legal tradition, without a belief in its binding nature—especially in light of contemporary moral sensitivies.
