B'shalah Commentary
Torah Like Water
A creative interpretation yields a valuable lesson about the vital importance of Torah to the Jewish people.
Parashat Beshalach: Summary
Moses leads the Israelites into the wilderness after their escape from Egypt. God sends manna to feed them and Amalek attacks the Israelites.
Singing On The Way
Despite the fear and exhaustion of journeying from a dark, narrow place, we must remember to accompany our arrivals with song and joy.
God And The Angel: Leaders And Protectors
The images of the angel of God and the pillar of cloud accompanying the Israelites in the desert raise questions about effective leadership.
When Miracles Are Not Enough
The transformation into a sacred people occurs not through miracles but rather through steady education, discipline and communal reinforcement.
The Source Of Spirituality
The glorification of God in the Song at the Sea provides us with several models of attaining spirituality.
Beyond Victors and Victims
The image of God as a nurturer, working with people to bring forth food, allows us to move beyond the violence of the Red Sea crossing.