Meatloaf: Perfect for Picnics?

Yes, you heard correctly, I said, meatloaf is perfect for picnics. Picnic subs, that is. Meatloaf is often thought of ...

Make Your Own Chick-fil-A

In case you’ve been hiding under a rock over the past week, Chick-fil-A and gay rights have been all over ...

Shabbat Recipe Roundup

Can you believe this is the last Shabbat of July!? Summer is flying right by though we’ve still got a ...

Pretzel Ice Cream Pie

I’m always looking for the simplest route to a pareve dessert and last week I had a moment of inspiration ...

Easy 9 Days Dinners

We are currently in the last part of the time known as “The Three Weeks” –  a period in summer ...

Shabbat Recipe Roundup: Picnic Edition!

Don’t you just love the fun of an outdoor picnic? Instead of a dinner menu this week, I’ve put together ...

National Ice Cream Month!

Our friends over at 365 Scoops recently brought to our attention that it is National Ice Cream Month, and this ...

Perfect Pantry Dinners

My husband and I both love to cook, especially making dinner for one another. But when he gears up to ...

Shabbat Recipe Roundup

We are well into summer which means two things to me: its hot and there are tons of fresh fruits ...

Remembered in Food

Jews and food have a unique bond, and Jews and food seem to have an even more special relationship with ...

Tips for Summer Crumbles

Crumbles, cobblers and pies are the perfect way to utilize all that great summer fruit for a tasty, seasonal dessert.  ...

Drinks to Beat the Heat

The summer heat has only just begun and we’re already experiencing some soaring temperatures! When it’s hot like the past ...