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When War Hits Too Close To Home

Hosted By: SVIVAH

October 7th was an absolute calamity. More than three weeks later, we are still mourning the dead and praying for the hostages. And we are also dealing with other fallouts from that terrible day: the horror of sexual violence on Oct 7th, and denial from many corners that it even took place; betrayal from people we thought would stand with us but did not; echoes of the Holocaust and other past traumas. Come together and hold each other and these emotions with the help of trauma-informed therapists, pastoral guides, and resiliency experts.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.



SVIVAH’s mission is to empower, strengthen, and nourish Jewish women* through community. SVIVAH is a multigenerational, diverse, powerful collective of Jewish women* dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and celebrating life in sisterhood. In Hebrew, svivah means “to surround her'' and that is precisely our goal. We connect women to each other, to cross-generational wisdom, to Jewish learning, and to the resources we need, in an inclusive, women*-only space. We do this by curating Jewish faith experiences with women at the center, by producing wide-ranging programming, and by amplifying and partnering with organizations in line with our values. (*SVIVAH defines “Jewish woman” as anyone wishing to be included in a circle of Jewish women.)
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