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Studying Sacred Time: The Jewish Side of Paleontology

Hosted By: My Jewish Learning

When people hear the words “Jewish” and “Paleontologist” together, they usually come up with Ross from Friends, and nothing more. But Jewish paleontologists like Johanna Edinger, Stephen Jay Gould, Roy Plotnick, and Jessica Theodor have pioneered fields and lead societies, even publishing papers on what a Jewish time traveler could eat in the past. There is also evidence of paleontological research by rabbis during the Talmudic period. Even today, Jon Favreau and Stephen Spielberg have helped to bring our modern understanding of paleontology to the screen with the landmark documentary Prehistoric Planet and beloved Jurassic Park films.


Join Jewish paleontologist Meig Dickson to discover the tree of life through a Jewish and paleontological lens.

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Conversion History: Orthodox and Conservative Understandings

Orthodoxy maintains a strict legal approach to conversion, while Conservative Judaism has responded pragmatically rather than ideologically.

Conservative Judaism Today

Smaller but more committed, the movement is seeing vibrant, sometimes divisive debate as it navigates between tradition and change.

Conservative Judaism: How the Middle Became a Movement

The second-largest Jewish denomination in the U.S. maintains that Jewish law remains binding, but is open to adaptions that reflect modern realities.