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Maven AJU Tuesday Hebrew Classes

Hosted By: American Jewish University

Prayer Book Hebrew Level 5 Tuesday, 7:00 PM

  • This level 5 course teaches the Hebrew found in the Siddur prayerbook, and is for those with some prior knowledge, or who have taken the lower-level courses with us. This session we delve into chapters 18-21 in the book “Prayerbook Hebrew the Easy Way” Purchase the book on amazon HERE https://amzn.to/3KgAbrn

Modern Hebrew Intermediate 2 Tuesday, 1:00 PM

  • For our intermediate Hebrew speakers. This course will explore body parts, colors, seasons, and past tense of Paal verbs. Learn all about the family. We will be using the textbook “Hebrew from Scratch Part 1” Lesonns 16-18. Purchase the book from Amazon HERE https://amzn.to/3dIeG6n

Modern Hebrew Advanced 2 Tuesday, 1:00 PM

  • For our advanced students interested in deepening their Hebrew skills. Join AJU Instructor, Aliza Klainman, as you explore more of the future tense and prepositions with ending. We will be using the textbook: “Hebrew from Scratch Part 2” Lesson 10-11. Requires purchasing the textbook in advance on Amazon HERE https://amzn.to/3pOug33

Prayer Book Hebrew Level 4 Tuesday

  • For our beginning Prayer Book students that are half-way through the book. You will be studying the word את with ending, this and that, possessive ending, and more parts of prayers and blessings. We will be using the textbook: “Prayerbook Hebrew The Easy Way” Chapter 14-17. Requires purchasing the textbook in advance from Amazon HERE. https://amzn.to/3KgAbrn

Prayer Book Hebrew level 2 Tuesday, 9:00 PM

  • For our beginning Prayer Book students. You will be studying parts of prayers and blessings, possessive endings for singular nouns, and participles. We will be using the textbook: “Prayerbook Hebrew The Easy Way” Chapter 6-9. Requires purchasing the textbook in advance from Amazon HERE. https://amzn.to/3KgAbrn

Modern Hebrew Advanced 1 Tuesday, 9:00 PM

  • For our advanced students. Topics include: Temporal (time) clause- before and after, future tense-Piel,Kal Lamed Yod, and declension of the prepositions as and without. We will be using the textbook: “Hebrew from Scratch Part 2” Lessons 6-8 Requires purchasing the text book in advance on Amazon HERE https://amzn.to/3pOug33



The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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