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Making the Days of Awe Truly Awesome

Hosted By: My Jewish Learning

Since its publication in 2003, Rabbi Alan Lew’s “This Is Real And You Are Completely Unprepared” has become a beloved companion to countless Jews seeking to deepen their experience of the High Holy Days. Join Rabbi-Kohenet SB Gershuny for a seven-session exploration of the book, which charts the spiritual work of teshuvah (repentance/repair/return) across the Jewish calendar, from Tisha B’Av through Sukkot.

In addition to reading and discussing Rabbi Lew’s ideas, participants will be guided in their use of contemplative and creative practices to prepare themselves for days that are truly high, holy and transformational.

(To get the most out of this class, participants are highly encouraged to acquire a copy of “This Is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared.” Purchase the book: https://amzn.to/3cMoFHu

All classes will be held at noon ET/ 9 am PT

8/4 Tisha b’Av
8/18 Elul Part 1
9/8 Elul Part 2
9/15 Selichot
9/22 Rosh Hashana
9/29 Yom Kippur
10/6  Sukkot


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This is real and you are completely unprepared!

This is real and you are completely unprepared! What? Just the thought strikes panic in my heart. I like to ...

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