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King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Biblical Characters and Masculine Architypes

Hosted By: Hebrew College

This is a six session course that runs from April 5th through May 10th. The course fee is for all six sessions and scholarships are available.

The bible is replete with fascinating masculine architypes including some women! We will explore some of the lesser known biblical figures and how their masculinity plays into their story. We will explore the question; does the Bible have something to teach us about masculinity today? What emerges as the Jewish masculine architype? Open, of course, to people of all genders or none as we explore the very nature of gender in our biblical tradition.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


Rabbi Dr. Michael Shire

Rabbi Dr. Michael Shire grew up in Birmingham England and was ordained as rabbi at Leo Baeck College in 1996. In 2001, he merged the Centre of Jewish Education with the rabbinic training school, Leo Baeck College, and became its Vice-Principal for an additional eleven years. He became the Professor and Dean of the Shoolman Graduate School of Jewish Education in 2011 and subsequently was appointed Chief Academic Officer of Hebrew College from 2015-2020. He has been widely published in the field of Jewish Education and Spiritual Education. In addition, he has published four books of creative liturgy with medieval illuminations in association with the British and Bodleian Libraries. He is founder of the Torah Godly Play pedagogic methodology and serves as Trustee of the Pursuit of History, the Association of Institutions of Graduate Jewish Education.
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Hebrew College

Hebrew College is an innovative national institute for Jewish learning and leadership based in Newton, Massachusetts. We are dedicated to Jewish literacy, creativity, and community, and a world of dignity and compassion for all. Our students are future rabbis, cantors, and educators, and people at every stage of life who love to learn. Together, we are infusing Jewish life with substance, spirit, beauty, imagination, and a sense of purpose.
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