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Kabbalistic Tu b’Shvat Seder

Hosted By: Jewish Study Center

Experience the deep spiritual significance of this mystical holiday and join Jay in an authentic, but virtual, Tu b’Shvat kabbalistic seder with music, dancing, singing, discussion, and learning.

Bring a bottle of white wine (or white grape juice) and a half bottle of red wine (or regular grape juice). We do a lot of meditative tasting and drink three full glasses of wine. No need to worry about driving home!

You will also need one of each kind of fruit and nuts that you can find in the supermarket. (Details when you register.)

The seder is co-sponsored by Fabrangen Havurah. It will be via Zoom and is on the actual Tu b’Shvat holiday.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


Jewish Study Center

The Jewish Study Center offers a wide array of classes and programs of Jewish content and invites anyone, regardless of background, to learn, grow and socialize with our community of learners. Our classes include text study in Bible, Mishna, Talmud, and Midrash, as well as courses in Jewish arts and culture, ethics, history, and philosophy. Courses regularly apply Jewish tradition to issues of social action, politics, interpersonal relationships, and work.
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