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In-Depth Parasha: Covenantal Ideals and Learning Ordeals

Hosted By: London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS)

Interactive, advanced, text-based learning for women starts with a deep dive into the parasha, guided by expert Torah teachers. Rabbanit Herzog will explore how the observance of Shemita and the counting of Israelites manifest the covenant at Sinai, while Rebbetzin Dr. Fromson will focus on four parshiot containing major crises for the Israelites in the desert. Participants are encouraged to prepare for each session using provided source sheets, with chavruta time available before each class on Zoom or at the LSJS campus.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.

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What Covenant Means

God and Abram's covenant between the pieces raises issues of conditionality and obligation still relevant today.

What Happens in Synagogue on Tisha B’av

There are some unique aspects to communal worship during Tisha B'Av.

Twice Warned

The two extended warnings for breaking the covenant reflect the changing relationship between the people of Israel and God.