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Heroes of the St. Louis

Hosted By: Sousa Mendes Foundation

Many people are familiar with the tragic story of the St. Louis ship, whose nearly 1000 Jewish passengers were turned back to Europe after they were refused entry by Cuba, Canada, and the United States. But few are aware of the bravery of the ship’s captain, Gustav Schroeder, who was declared a Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem, and of Morris Troper and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Thanks to their strenuous efforts, the passengers were permitted to disembark in the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France, rather than returning to Nazi Germany. As a result, the passengers had a chance of surviving the ordeal, and many hundreds of them did. Meet Dr. Hans Fisher, who was one of these survivors, and Scott Miller, who is a leading world expert on this story.


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Dr. Hans Fisher

Dr. Hans Fisher is a survivor of the St. Louis ship. He is a Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University in the Department of Nutritional Sciences. Born in Breslau, Germany, he ended up in France after the ship returned to Europe. In 1940 he made it to Cuba where he stayed until 1941 when he was finally able to enter the United States. With his wife Ruth he translated Mendel Rosenbusch — Tales for Jewish Children originally written in German by Ilse Weber. Dr. Fisher has been a Visiting Scientist at Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and has lectured at Harvard Medical School.
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Sousa Mendes Foundation

Founded in 2010, the Sousa Mendes Foundation is dedicated to honoring the memory of the Holocaust rescuer Aristides de Sousa Mendes and to educating the world about his good work.
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