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Grit & Grace: A Jewish Spiritual Framework for Growing Older

Hosted By: My Jewish Learning

In this 3-part class with My Jewish Learning, Rabbi Dayle Friedman will explore tools and perspectives from Jewish tradition, as well as our own experiences, to help us grow more resilient beyond midlife.

You are welcome to join for any or all of the sessions.

April 26 – Session 1: From Brokenness to Repair: A Spiritual Vision for the Path Beyond Midlife
May 3 – Session 2: Unfinished Business: Doing Our Own Work of Tikkun/Repair
May 10 – Session 3: Answering the Call: Becoming True Elders


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6 Essential Reads on Judaism and Aging

These books offer Jewish lessons on fostering sacred connections, growing in spirituality, creating a legacy as we age.

Rabbi Dayle Friedman: ‘We Are Missing Both Opportunities and Needs’

An expert on Judaism and aging discusses what the Jewish community gets right and wrong about late life, the importance of intergenerational relationships, and how to approach aging as a spiritual practice.

Tikkun in Lurianic Kabbalah

In contemporary parlance, tikkun olam refers to repairing the earthly world in which we live but in Luria's teachings, complete tikkun would undo the world we know.
