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Friendships & Organizing: Building Bonds and Building Movements

Hosted By: Keeping It Sacred (KITS)

In honor of Eid Al Fatir… Join Rabbi Heather Miller, Founder of Keeping It Sacred and President of the Interfaith Council of Greater Rancho Santa Margarita, and Dr. Naba Sharif, Interfaith Chair of the Muslim Center of Greater Princeton, friends for 25 years, as they discuss interfaith understanding, organizing, and building power for the good of all.

May 1st, 10:15am PT/1:15pm ET

No experience necessary. All are welcome!

Keeping It Sacred programs are FREE for all because we uphold the value of keruv/accessibility; voluntary financial contributions to help offset the cost of these programs and are greatly appreciated.

Please note that the gathering begins at 10:15am PT. We enjoy participation from friends all over the world, so please adjust your time zone accordingly. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Rabbi Miller: rabbimiller@keepingitsacred.com or our Digital Media Manager, Molly Flanagan: mflanagan@keepingitsacred.com.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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