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Feli­cia Berlin­er in Con­ver­sa­tion with Abby Stein

Hosted By: The Jewish Book Council

Join Jew­ish Book Coun­cil, The Neigh­bor­hood, and The Cen­ter for Fic­tion for a spe­cial lit­er­ary pro­gram fea­tur­ing Feli­cia Berlin­er, author of the debut nov­el Shmutz, in con­ver­sa­tion with author and activist Abby Stein (Becom­ing Eve). This con­ver­sa­tion will include a dis­cus­sion about sex­u­al iden­ti­ty and dis­cov­ery with­in Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ties as well as the process of writ­ing as both an insid­er and outsider.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.

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Kafka: A Man As Puzzling As His Stories

Franz Kafka was a man who struggled with his many contradictions. Although his writing has come to be intensively studied, as ...

Kafka and the Parable

Since my first encounter with Kafka‘s writing, I’ve been interested in a quality that, while he was alive, stood in ...

Franz Kafka

The 20th century's realest surrealist.