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Death and Meaning From Unusual Sources

Hosted By: Ben Zakkai Institute

“Biblical Therapy” offers a new interpretation of the Red Heifer ritual from the biblical text, suggesting it as a therapeutic method based on an understanding of the human condition, with relevance and applicability even today. “Divine Justice, Mourning, and Consolation in Hebrew Poetry” explores the challenge of believing in Divine justice during grief, using readings from Biblical, classic, and modern Hebrew poetry to facilitate a deeper dialogue with oneself and the Divine, aiding in healing and meaning-finding. “Mourning outside traditional Halakha” addresses questions on mourning practices for various situations beyond traditional Halakha, including modern societal cases, suggesting a need to update Halakha by revisiting its ancient roots to aid in coping with loss and grief.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.

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