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Arab Jewish Life and Literature with Joyce Zonana

Hosted By: The American Sephardi Federation (ASF)

From the mellahs and medinas of Casablanca and Algiers to the Haras of Tunis, Cairo, and Old Baghdad, we will explore the lived and literary world of Arab Jews, including Jacques Derrida, Helene Cixous, Albert Memmi, and Jacqueline Kahanoff, who evoke a world in which Jews were native and not “other.”

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.

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A history of the marrano diaspora.

Doña Gracia Nasi

A philanthropist, known as the heart of her people.

Was Columbus Jewish?

There has been much speculation about the famous and controversial explorer's origins.