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Hanukkah Fashion Then and Now 

Hosted By: Kveller

Join Kveller and Rabbi Yael Buechler, a Hanukkah merch expert and fashion designer for a look into the history of Hanukkah apparel (and its faux pas). Explore how Hanukkah fashions have transformed over the years, from niche designers to mainstream retailers.



Whether you grew up observing Shabbat every Friday night, or had your first taste of matzah ball soup when you married into a Jewish family, there’s no one way to parent Jewish kids. Kveller is here to give you ideas you can run with–ideas for first-time parents, interfaith parents, queer parents, adoptive parents, and everything in between–with the hopes that you can find information and inspiration that is right for your family.
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Smart Jews

The Jewish impact on American intellectual culture.

Jewish Chaplains in the Civil War

Jews enlisted in both the Union and the Confederate armies during the Civil War, but they were not allowed to serve as chaplains to provide religious and emotional support, as well as to preside over Jewish funerals.

9 Things You Didn’t Know About Passover

Why Israelis have just one seder, how Gibraltar does haroset and other curiosities of this 8-day holiday.
