Calling Me a LibTarded B—– Won’t Help
Recently someone called me a libtarded b—- in the course of a Facebook discussion regarding the president’s executive order reinstating ...
Going Back Isn’t an Option
It seems that we have entered a new era. Taking in the news, it seems to be an open season ...
Prophets, Pastors, or Pariahs
So here we are, three weeks after the presidential election, and it ain’t an easy time to be a Jewish ...
A Fresh Start on Wednesday?
I have been silent from the bima (pulpit) about the election. There have been many discussion in rabbi listservs and ...
A Kavannah on White Privilege
I see the sirens appear in my rearview mirror as if out of nowhere. I quickly scan the road ahead ...
What Korach can teach us about Brexit, and other political rebellions
I’m writing this post as I’m about to depart for Europe. First stop, London, and then on to Portugal. In ...
Why Are The Bathroom Breaks of Presidential Candidates Newsworthy?
I’ll be honest. I am both fascinated and horrified by many of the daily updates in these still early stages ...
Trump: Dangerous, But Nothing New
Donald Trump’s candidacy has shifted from side-show spectacle to front and center of the Republican presidential primary race in time for ...