

Deep South Departures: Fellows Say Farewell

As our time in Mississippi as ISJL Education Fellows comes to an end, we wanted to write a final collaborative-blog-post ...

Singing Her Way South: A “California Hippie” Comes to Mississippi

The summer before my Bat Mitzvah, I was sitting with my family at our home in Oakland, California. I remember ...

Fellow Farewell: Some Say Goodbye, I Say Hello!

In December of 2012, I was six months away from graduating college… and I needed what every graduate is looking ...

Fellow Farewell: Allison’s Adventures

This is the second in a series of four farewell posts from the ISJL’s 2013-2015 Education Fellows, who will all begin ...

Missy’s Farewell: Timehopping Through Two Southern & Jewish Years!

This is the first in a series of four farewell posts from the ISJL’s 2013-2015 Education Fellows, who will all ...

Mazes vs. Labyrinths: How Do You See Life?

What is the difference between a maze and a labyrinth?A maze – as many of us know – is intended ...

Spend a Summer in the South

Devoid of a Southern accent, people often ask me where I’m from. They are surprised that I’m from Connecticut. The ...
