

Going Back Isn’t an Option

It seems that we have entered a new era. Taking in the news, it seems to be an open season ...

#NotMySon – Raising A Jewish Feminist In An Era Of Blatant Misogyny

Last night I was still receiving emails congratulating me on being chosen as one of the Forward 50 for our ...

Fasting For A Tolerant and Pluralistic Israel

#BlackLivesMatter has generated a wave of rebuke from the American Jewish establishment ever since it published its online Platform on ...

Hate Talk, the Nesting Ground for Orlando

This past Monday, exhausted from the stress of the Orlando tragedy and its reverberations of grief, my husband and I ...

Standing Up For Our Principles, Not Demagoguery

Last week I had a nasty bout of stomach flu. One of those batten down the hatches, no food for ...

What Tisha B’Av Can Learn From Ramadan

I did not fast during Ramadan. But I did somehow experience a little bit of the meaning of the Muslim ...

The Context of Hate

They did not know it was a Jewish cemetery. They did not intend it to be an act of Antisemtism.So ...

Why Jews Should Care About The Donald Sterling Controversy

I have had many reactions so far to the recently leaked audio of comments made by Los Angeles Clippers owner ...
