Gush Etzion


PTSD + Preeminence = Moral Schizophrenia

A few nights ago I made a presentation for ‘Noar Shorashim’, the Roots Initiative youth group that brings together high ...

A Different Reality

I was sitting with a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s Committee for Interaction with Israeli Society, Dr. Fathi Darwish, ...

The Closer You Are, The Less You See

It took a Protestant pastor from Reston, Virginia to introduce me to my Palestinian neighbors. It happened two years ago, and it changed my life.

The Other Wailing Wall, The Palestinian One

Spent tear gas canisters. Lots of them. Right at the foot of the wall. I guess that makes it the ...

The Delusion of Jerusalem of Gold

Many of us had not seen each other for decades. Most of them I barely recognized. It was the 40th reunion ...

Fear Goes Both Ways

I hesitated before asking my wife if she wanted to go out to dinner. We would not have to drive ...

A Secret Weapon for Peace

I believe that there will be no solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict until the Palestinians come face to face ...
