Camp staff


Summer Lovin’-Valentine’s Day Edition-Alicia & Neil

Alicia and Neil BerlinWhen/how/where at camp did you meet? Both growing up at Camps Airy and Louise (as campers and on staff), ...

In the Field

According to Hasidic thinking the days of Elul are the time when “the King is in the field.” The metaphor ...

The Power of Inclusion, and Lessons for Rosh Hashanah

After nine years as a camper and counselor at Massad Bet (of blessed memory), and one year as the Program ...

Cold Feet

Later this month, my fifteen-year-old son, Jonah, is off to Camp B’Nai Brith (CBB) in the Laurentians, about an hour ...

Six Words

Do you think you could sum up your camp experience in just six words? If not your entire experience, what ...

Who Are You and What Have You Done With My Child?

“Who are you and what have you done with my child?”You might be surprised how many parents of teens feel ...

Togetherness Squared

For the last four summers, whenever my wife, Cynthia, and I have put our son, Jonah, on the bus to ...

Our Common Purpose

Our staff have arrived for training and summer is soon underway! All year long I work hard to recruit staff, ...

Camouflaged Education

How could I try to hide in plain sight? Well if I was well camouflaged I might use any combination ...

What Makes a Summer Camp “Amazing?”

Amazing camps are made by amazing people. Not amenities.There is a list of the 50 Most Amazing Summer Camps in the ...
