This Food Will Always Remind Me of Jewish Summer Camp

As a vegetarian hippie in 1971, granola was my saving grace.

Wise Fridays:

“Do not say, ‘Why should I lessen my own fortune by giving my money to this poor person?’ Bear in ...

Wise Fridays: There Is No Life

There is no life without a task; no person without a talent; no place without a fragment of God’s light ...

Wise Fridays: Obscenity

“Said Rabbi Hanan, the son of Rav: Everybody knows why the bride enters the bridal chamber, but if anyone speaks ...

Wise Fridays: Older and Wiser

“As regards scholars, the older they become the more wisdom they acquire…But as regards the ignorant, the older they become, ...

An Introduction to Wise Fridays

Hi! I’m Deah. Yes, my name does happen to be the same as the Hebrew word for “knowledge” — thank ...

Wise Fridays: Behaving Wisely

“History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.” —Abba Eban Find more ...

Wise Fridays: On Suffering

Rabbi Yochanan once became ill, and Rabbi Hanina went to visit him. He asked him, “Are your sufferings welcome to ...

Wise Fridays: Adoption

Whoever brings up an orphan in his home is regarded by the Bible as though the child was born to ...