Why the Angel Asks Jacob His Name

By asking Jacob his name, his wrestling adversary challenges him to examine himself.

Blessing Our Daughters

Why did Jacob not bless his daughters before he died?

Bava Kamma 113

We’ll cross that bridge when we legitimate it.

Confronting Our Dark Sides

Like Jacob's struggle, each of us must recognize, confront and struggle with our darker side.

Leah’s Improbable Optimism

The first wife of Jacob endured a loveless marriage, but her story is one of perseverance.

Struggling With Monotheism

Jacob and his family's evolving relationship with God illustrates the complex struggle with faith and monotheism.

Body and Soul

Indispensable partners for doing life's sacred work

The Targets of Jewish Humor

The recurring characters and subjects of Jewish humor leave no part of the Jewish world unscathed.

Parashat Vayetzei: Summary

Jacob flees to his uncle Laban's household and lives there for several years, marrying Laban's daughters, Leah and Rachel, and building a large family.

Naming a Daughter

A personal perspective on choosing a name.