Ghosting God

Freeing yourself from 'the busy trap'

Liturgy, Rituals and Customs of Jewish Weddings

The Jewish wedding is rich with ceremony, beginning with the announcement of intent to marry and ending with seven days of celebration.

Maid of Ludomir

This 19th Century Hasidic woman served as an unofficial rabbi.

How This Non-Jewish Chef from ‘America’s Test Kitchen’ Fell in Love with Bialys and Babka

And she's also the first African-American woman to appear on the show.

The Shavuot Marriage Contract

A Sephardic agreement between God and Israel

Nazir 41

Love is greater than fear.

Judaism After Orthodoxy: Insights into the “OTD” Movement

Many of us have read some of the recent memoirs written by people who have left their Orthodox community of ...

East Meets West

This morning, I blogged about the poetry of Taha Muhammad Ali and his translator, Peter Cole. In July, I wrote ...

The Lower East Side of New York City

On the Jewish Plymouth Rock of New York's Lower East Side, Jewish immigrants began their new lives.