Parashat Chukat-Balak
Balaam Versus Pinchas
Pinchas saw the relationship of an Israelite and a Midianite as a curse--but perhaps he, like Balaam, could have turned it into a blessing.
Distance and Proximity
The story of King Balak and Balaam demonstrates that truly seeing others is what allows fears to dispel.
Responding to Thirst
Moses' frustration and fatigue were no excuse for his refusal to accept the people's cry for help.
Preparing for an Unknown Future
The Torah law about the red heifer was given because it anticipated the temporal nature and limitation of what Miriam had to offer.
Instructed To Curse, Inspired To Bless
He came to curse, and ended up reciting a blessing so beautiful it is prominent in our liturgy.
Spirit Strength
Balak intuited an important truth about the Israelites: Their strength was spiritual, not military.
The Waters of Lustration: Tears and Tzedakah
Jewish sources suggest tears and tzedakah [charity] as two modern replacements for the Red Heifer.
An Imperfect Hero
Moses' fatal flaw is his inability to wean his people from their dependence on him.