
Praying with My Feet Because #BlackLivesMatter

What was it like to walk in the wilderness from Egypt to the Promised Land?In my own life and in ...

Passover, Shabbat and Rat Poison – Poisoning Ourselves With the Poison Used Against Us

This year the first day of Passover fell on Shabbat. Can we find a deeper connection between Shabbat and Passover?Perhaps we ...

Should We Fear God or Love God — or Both?

Moses' message to relate to God through love, not only through fear, is especially relevant in the modern age.

Funny, You Don’t Book Jewish

Lois Leveen’s newest novel, The Secrets of Mary Bowser, is now available. There’s a novel I first read years ago ...

How To Read the Hebrew Alphabet

Known as the Aleph Bet, the Hebrew alphabet contains 22 letters.

Must-Know Words and Phrases Related to End-of-Life Care

General and Jewish terms you'll want to know at this critical time.

A Jewish Chaplain

Sometimes the chaplain is the only one who can mourn.

ROI 120: Tightrope Walkers, Half-Naked Trapeze, and the Future of the Jewish Community

Heshy Fried, better known as Frum Satire, is one of 120 participants in the Schusterman Foundation’s initiative ROI 120, a ...
