Overcoming Obstacles to Recite Mourner’s Kaddish with Dignity

My father died on Rosh Hashanah 5764. He died at home, in a clean white bed, surrounded by his wife ...

The Mourner’s Kaddish Is Misunderstood

The prayer does not praise (or even name) God. Here’s why.

Parashat Pekudei: Opening Ourselves Up

How many of us who are grieving put up screens in our lives in order to get through the day?

The Jews of Russia

The territories of the former Russian Empire were the cradle of Jewish modernity, the birthplace of Zionism and Jewish socialism, and a major center of the Hasidic movement.

Ask the Expert: Can I Recite Mourner’s Kaddish for a Non-Relative?

A rabbi weighs in on reciting Mourner's Kaddish for someone you're not related to.

Kaddish Speaks to Mourners

The Kaddish responds to three questions: Is there a God? Why do people die? What is the meaning of life?

The Kaddish Prayer

There are many versions of the Jewish 'mourner's prayer.'

How to Find a Yahrzeit Date

Resources for finding — and remembering — the Hebrew anniversary of a loved one's death.

Timeline of Jewish Mourning

Key Jewish milestones after the loss of a loved one

Women and Kaddish

Can women say the Mourner's Kaddish?