On Being with Those Who Are Dying

The Jewish tradition of being at the bedside of the dying is of immense value, not only for the dying person but also for those about to be bereaved--and for all of us, who must learn to face death.

Jewish Names & Numbers

Complex systems of letter and number substitution yield names for God that have been used for magical and supernatural ends.

The Akedah and Self-Sacrifice

God wants us to give of ourselves.

The Rock of Repentence

Jeremiah Lockwood is the frontsman, singer, and lead guitarist The Sway Machinery, a band that belts out roots, rock, blues, ...

The Power of Language

How Noah and the Tower of Babel both revolve around the use and misuse of language.

The Philosophy of Leo Baeck

From monotheism to morality.

The Jazz Singer

The first "talkie" told the story of a Jewish man seeking his future on Broadway.

Jewish Magic & Medieval Anti-Semitism

In medieval Europe, Jews suffered on account of popular beliefs about Jewish sorcery--and yet their non-Jewish neighbors also tried to benefit from Jewish magic.

What’s Jewish About “The Simpsons”?

Jews & Judaism pervade this classic animated sitcom and its fictional town of Springfield.