Jewish Socialism in the United States, 1880-1920

The birth and growth of American Jewish socialism.

Naomi Shemer

This Israeli songwriter is famous for lyrics of such songs as "Jerusalem of Gold" and "Lu Yehi"

Top 100 Jewish Books

Top 100 Jewish Books. Important Jewish Books. What Makes a Text Jewish. What are Jewish Texts. About Jewish Texts. Jewish Texts. People of the Book.

Contemporary Activism to Save Agunot

An activist for agunot traces her development from demonstrator to promoter of prenuptial agreements that help protect women in the event of a divorce.

How Rosh Hashanah Became New Year’s Day

In the Torah, the beginning of the year was clearly set in the spring. So what happened?

Eating Matzah At the Seder

The bread of poverty has a rich history in Rabbinic literature.

Jews and Drugs

What does Jewish tradition have to say about the use of recreational drugs?

Ray Frank

"Latter-day Deborah" challenged the traditional role of Jewish women.

How I Ended Up Delivering the Sermon on Rosh Hashanah

Over the summer, Larry, the organizer of the minyan that I attend for Rosh Hashanah, sent out an email asking ...