Modern Jewish History

What Happened at the ’72 Munich Olympics

A coordinated Palestinian terrorist attack and hostage situation in which 11 Israeli athletes were killed.

One Voice Speaks for Six Million

The uses and abuses of Anne Frank's diary.

The Diary of Anne Frank

The controversy over Anne Frank's legacy.

Ze’ev Jabotinsky

Zionist leader and founder of the Zionist Revisionist movement.

Shimon Peres

Longtime leader of Israel's Labor Party.

Jewish Immigrants in the Garment Industry

New York was a hub of clothing production, with sweatshops the first American workplace for many newly arrived Jews.

Emma Goldman

A profile of the anarchist and lifelong advocate for social justice.

Ellis Island

A brief history of the place where so many Jewish immigrants entered the U.S.

Jewish Vacations: The Catskills

A mid-20th-century haven for Jews trying to get away from it all.

The Lynching of Leo Frank

Falsely accused of murdering a girl, a Jewish man was killed by a white mob in Georgia in 1915.

Secular Zionism

From religious idea to secular ideology.

The Dreyfus Affair

The espionage conviction of a French military officer was a watershed event in the history of European anti-Semitism.