Jewish Culture

Mendele Mokher Seforim

The writing of Mendele Mokher Seforim offers a realistic and honest portrayal of village life.

Nusah: The Music of Prayer

Traditional musical motifs, called nusah, give each service of Jewish prayer a distinct sound.

Jewish Painters

With the Enlightenment, Jewish painters experienced unprecedented opportunity.

Yaacov Agam

The artist's unique geographical creations have made him a leading pioneer of optic and kinetic art.

Jewish Folk Art

Visual arts are a beautiful way to express religious devotion.

Jewish Art in Medieval & Modern Times

Jewish artists have tended to take on elements of the societies in which the artists lived.

Jewish Art in the Ancient World

As far back as the biblical period, art has been created and valued in Jewish communities.

Israeli Visual Arts: Where East Meets West

Visual arts in Israel predate the country's independence yet play a defining role in the country's identity as a nation.

Overview: History & Theory of Jewish Art

While the work of great Jewish artists continues to inspire generations, the concept of Jewish art remains a problematic one. The nagging question is, What makes Jewish art Jewish?

Jewish Art: A Brief History

Contrary to popular perception, Jewish art dates back to Biblical times.

Synagogue Music in the Modern Era

Changes are taking place in the leadership, participation, melodies, and instruments that are found in the synagogue.

European Jewish Literature

The writings of Ashkenazic Jewry spans several languages and centuries.