Jewish Languages

Sholem Asch

A writer who bridged both Old World and New, but fit into neither.

Yiddish Press

A once thriving American industry.

What Is A Mensch?

On being a mensch — an upstanding member of society — and leading an ethical life.

Yiddish Film

Produced in Poland and America, Yiddish film captured the diversity and richness of the Yiddish-speaking world.

The Vitality of the Hebrew Language

What are the secrets of its survival?

Jewish Aramaic

The language of the Talmud, Jesus and today's Jewish Kurds.

The Wisdom of the Hebrew Alphabet

Jewish mystics found Divinity in the Hebrew letters.

The Revival of Hebrew

The Hebrew language was re-embraced by proponents of the Jewish enlightenment, then fully reborn in Palestine.


The Yiddish word that means audacity.

Hebrew Words

Some basic Hebrew words for a beginner.

English Words of Hebrew Origin

From cabal to camel, a list of English words that derive from Hebrew.

What Does L’dor Vador Mean?

An emotional Jewish catchphrase explained.