

The Shema

An affirmation of God’s singularity, its daily recitation is regarded by traditionally observant Jews as a biblical commandment.


Siddur Contents: Shabbat & Holiday Liturgy

A guide to the prayerbook and the standard service.


Bedtime Shema

Asking God for peace and protection in this evening prayer.


Ask the Expert: Covering Your Eyes for the Shema

This custom has its origins in the Talmud.

Tzitzit, the Fringes on the Prayer Shawl

Fringes for four-cornered garments.

Traditional Commentaries on the Shema

Commentaries on the three paragraphs of the Shema read Jewish concepts both out of and into the text.

Words to the Shema and Its Blessings

Text in English for the Shema and the three blessings that accompany it.

Deuteronomy 6:4–The Shema

While the Shema has been seen as a declaration of absolute monotheism, it has other meanings in its biblical and liturgical contexts.

The Blessings Around the Shema

The structure of these three blessings reflects the historical progress from creation to revelation to redemption.

Shema as a Love Story

The three paragraphs of the Shema can be interpreted allegorically by connecting each of the three paragraphs to a different stage of a growing, loving relationship.
