Israeli Culture

Anna Ticho

This artist became famous for her drawings of the Jerusalem hills.

Naomi Shemer

This Israeli songwriter is famous for lyrics of such songs as "Jerusalem of Gold" and "Lu Yehi"

A.B. Yehoshua

To this author and social critic, Israeli identity comes first.

Israeli Theatre

A culmination of foreign and native influences.

Mordecai Ardon

Symbols without significance.

Israeli Literature: Reading List

A Reader's Guide: Hebrew Literature in Translation

Contemporary Art in Israel

Confronting local politics--on an international stage.

Mizrahi Film

Four films that illustrate and illuminate the culture of Israel's Mizrahi citizens

Sephardic Film

Films by and about Middle Eastern and North African Jews in Israel

Israeli Film

The relationship between Israeli cinema and its establishment has often been an uneasy one. Nonetheless, the history of Israeli cinema mirrors the history of Israel itself.

Arabs on Israeli Screens

Israeli films portray the ties and the tensions between Jews and Arabs.