Meredith Kesner Lewis

Meredith Lewis is the Director of Operations at Meredith holds an MA in Hebrew and Judaic studies and an MPA in non-profit finance from New York University. She also received a BS in journalism from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. Meredith has served as an advisor for United Synagogue Youth in the Westchester and Rockland Counties area as well as an education consultant.

Articles by Meredith Kesner Lewis

Did you take Shumlik’s dance class at summer camp too?

This video has been going around the internet over the past two weeks. For me, the scariest thing is not ...

World Wide Wrap Rap

Sunday is the Federation of Jewish Men’s Club “World Wide Wrap,” when they encourage people to practice and learn about ...

Goodbye Money

There’s nothing I love more than depressing news on a Friday afternoon.Okay, maybe that’s not true. But if my weekend ...

Go For Gold(en Tan)

Don’t think that Michael Phelps is the only U.S. swim team hottie that I enjoy looking at. Ben Wildman-Tobriner is ...

It goes with my Lox SD card.

As seen on Gizmodo from Bagel Drive:A mini-bagel deliciously baked to perfection with fully functional USB 2.0 flash memory and ...

Liquid Love

I don’t know Molly Young, but she is about to become my new best friend.Anyone who seems to love Cel-Ray ...

Who’s on 1st? What’s on 2nd?

It was bad enough when the 2nd Avenue Deli closed and then reopened not on 2nd Avenue. But now owner ...

2009 Jewish Book Awards for Children

There’s nothing like sitting back in a big comfy chair, brewing a cup of hot tea, and reading a good, ...

There’s No Business like Shoah Business

Someone recently asked me “Have you seen that new movie? You know, the one about the Holocaust?” You mean anything ...

Grinch knows better than to mess with Hanukkah

Let’s face it. Lots of Jews love Christmas. Not in the celebrate-the birthday-of-our-savior way.More in the pretty-lights, catchy-tunes, days-off-of-work, and ...