Rabbi Diane Elliot

Rabbi Diane Elliot is a spiritual leader and somatic therapist who inspires her students to embody and deepen their Jewish spiritual lives through awareness and movement practices, chant and expressive arts, and nuanced interpretations of Jewish sacred text. She leads retreats, teaches nationally, and works with individuals in spiritual direction. Her recently published “This Is the Day, Poems,” inspired by the practice of counting the Omer, is available on Amazon. You can learn more about her work at www.whollypresent.org .


Articles by Rabbi Diane Elliot

The Well of Grief

When a community comes together to dig the well of grief, streams of life-giving water can flow from the depths

A Heart of Flesh

When images of horror flash across our screens hourly, how many generations will it take to heal?

Seeing in the Dark

Could it be that in our yearning for light, we fail to recognize the gifts of darkness?

Acheinu: We Are One Family

The words of this ancient prayer speak eloquently to the dire situation of Jews held in captivity.

Gifts of the Wilderness

Why is the desert so central to the Jewish spiritual journey?

Giving Voice

Countless moments in the Bible demonstrate the raw power of voice, divine and human, to heal or destroy. 

Fear And Faith

When does fear protect us and when does it prevent us from living?

Diving into Elul

As we prepare for the High Holidays, we are reminded that the essence of faith lies in the power of imagination.

Going for the Gold

The metal that never tarnishes is a symbol of spiritual constancy.

The Smell of Joy

We grow in our humanity and deepen our spiritual sense by building our capacity for true and enduring joy.
