Parashat Ki Tavo Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Commentary on Parashat Ki Tavo, Deuteronomy 26:1 - 29:8



1. What was the first thing the Israelites were commanded to do upon coming into the Land?

2. To whom were they told to take their offerings, and where?

3. Which is the year of tithing?

4. Which four groups benefit from the tithes?

5. What was supposed to be written on the stones of the altar that the Israelites were commanded to build after crossing the Jordan?

6. Moses charged six of the tribes to stand on one mountain and the other six tribes on one facing it. What were the names of the two mountains?

7. Those standing on the two mounts would hear blessings and curses. From whom did they hear them?

8. What was the first curse the people heard?


1. They were commanded to first take the first fruit of the ground and make an offering to God. (26:2)

2. They were told to take their offerings to the priest in the place that God would choose. (26:2-3)

3. Tithing occurs in the third year. (26:12)

4. Levites, strangers, widows, and orphans benefit from tithes. (26:12)

5. The words of God’s law were to be written on the stones. (27:3)

6. Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal. (27:12-13)

7. The Levites recited the blessings and curses. (27:14)

8. “Cursed be the man that makes a graven or molten image and sets it up in secret.” (27:15)

Provided by the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies.

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