Parashat B’ha’alotkha Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

This parashah quiz is provided by special arrangement with the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies. To learn more, visit


1. God told Moses to assemble the whole congregation of Israelites to lay their hands upon the Levites. What did this represent?

Pardes Logo2. At what age did the Levites begin to perform their service in the Tent of Meeting?

3. At what age did they stop serving? And what were they to do in their “retirement”?

4. If one became unclean by coming into contact with a dead body, or if one was far away during the appointed season of Passover, what would this person do in order to not miss the opportunity of this mitzvah?

5. What was the rule for strangers living amongst the people of Israel at the time of Passover?

6. Why does it seem strange that God commanded the people to celebrate Passover in the desert?

7. How did the people know when God wanted them to travel and when to stop?

8. When the people were to be called together, how many silver trumpets were blown and by whom?

9. Which two families carried the tabernacle when it was moved?

10. When it became apparent that the complaints of the people were too much for Moses to handle alone, how many elders did God tell him to gather to judge with him?

11. Some of the people lusted after the “good life of Egypt”, especially what? How did God satisfy this lusting, and what was His attitude about it?

12. What was Miriam’s punishment for gossiping about Moses to Aaron? How long was she punished for?


1. The ceremony was symbolic of the Levites being offered to the service of God (8:10-11).

2. At the age of 25 (8:25).

3. They “retired” at 50 years old. After 50 they ministered to their brothers in the Tent of Meeting (8:25-26).

4. They were to celebrate the Second Passover also known as Pesah Sheni on the 14th day of the second month (9:6-11).

5. They were to celebrate Passover just like the people of Israel, as there was one ordinance for the stranger and for those born in the land (9:14).

6. In Exodus, God had commanded them to celebrate Passover once they were in the land that He would give them as an inheritance (Exodus 12:17, 25).

7. When the cloud covered the tent, they camped; when it lifted, they traveled (9:17-22).

8. Two silver trumpets were blown by the priests (10:2, 8).

9. The sons of Gershon and Merari carried the Tabernacle (10:17).

10. God told Moses to gather 70 elders (11:16).

11. Some of the people desired meat. God provided them with quail but while they were eating it, His anger burned and He afflicted them with a deadly plague (11:13, 31-34).

12. Miriam contracted leprosy for seven days (12:10,15).

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