Challah for Parashat Tazria

Birthing woman.

Commentary on Parashat Tazria, Leviticus 12:1 - 13:59

Every week, Julie Seltzer, artist and Torah scribe, bakes a challah depicting an aspect of the week’s Torah portion.

If she gives birth to a female, she is “impure” two weeks, like her niddah. (Leviticus 12:5)

וְאִם-נְקֵבָה תֵלֵד, וְטָמְאָה שְׁבֻעַיִם כְּנִדָּתָה

birthing woman challah

The parashah deals with a birthing woman, and how long she is in a state of impurity (the length of time depends on whether she gives birth to a boy or a girl). This challah is based on a painting by Alex Gray.

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