Challah for Parashat Ki Tavo

The city and the field.

Commentary on Parashat Ki Tavo, Deuteronomy 26:1 - 29:8

Every week, Julie Seltzer, artist and Torah scribe, bakes a challah depicting an aspect of the week’s Torah portion.

You will be blessed in the city and you will be blessed in the field.
(Deuteronomy 28:3)

בָרוךְ אַתָה בָעִיר ובָרוךְ אַתָה בַשׂדֶה

field and city challah

Here we see the city of Jerusalem, with the Western Wall and the cityscape above. Below, we see a field, full of abundantly growing plants. The sign at the field says “Sde Halomot,” meaning “Field of Dreams.” This sign exists at an actual field: it’s the entrance sign for the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center Farm.

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