Mourning and Meaning Making

Someday our current sorrows will be memories, woven into the tapestry of our shared destiny.

18 Items to Make This Passover Different From All Others

From seder plates and Passover treats to jumping frogs and Haggadahs, step up your seder game this year.


Holocaust links

“Remembering” The Holocaust

Holocaust history, memory and art.

Holocaust Scroll

The Conservative movement's creation of this scroll is the latest attempt in contemporary Judaism to create a liturgy for Yom Hashoah.

Teaching the Holocaust

This history lesson stirs controversy in many educational settings.

Teaching the Holocaust

A look at some disagreements in how the Holocaust should be taught, including the emphasis on victimhood, the importance of ...

A Timeline of the Holocaust

From Hitler's rise to power to the Nuremberg trials, key events of the Shoah.

Art & The Holocaust

Can abstraction, and Abstract art, deal properly with the enormity of the Shoah? (Jewish Exponent) A Haredi woman, born to ...

Holocaust Films

As the number of Holocaust-themed films grow, many questions arise from the attempt to depict this tragedy on screen.