Mourning and Meaning Making

Someday our current sorrows will be memories, woven into the tapestry of our shared destiny.

Parashat Kedoshim: Caring for Our Bodies

As a rabbi, I have been asked many times what it means to be holy. Most literally, the Hebrew word ...

Celebrity Cook Nigella Lawson Has the Best Rugelach Hack

And a couple of puzzling rugelach hot takes.

Why Passover Is Important

Commemorating the foundational event in Jewish history makes Jews who they are.

Bava Metzia 59

My children have defeated me.

In Dew Season

In this moment of crisis, we need to let things arise and evaporate, leaving us unburdened enough to do the work of peace.

The Covenant As Process

The covenant reflects the ongoing relationship between God and the Jewish people.

The Covenant of Fertility

Fertility of the womb and fertility of the land are divine gifts.

The Covenant of Circumcision

Male converts to Judaism are traditionally required to undergo circumcision or, if already circumcised, a ritual removal of a single drop of blood.

All-Inclusive Covenant

Moses tells the Children of Israel that the covenant includes all of them, including the pious and faithful as well as the rebellious and confused.