Welcome to the Keshet Blog!


We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re finally coming out…with a blog. We know we’re a decade or so behind schedule, but it took Y-Love and Anderson Cooper a little longer, too. Right? Right!

So, let’s get started. Featuring bloggers from many different parts of the resplendent world of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Jews and our straight allies, the Keshet blog will bring you a rich cross-section of ideas, narratives, arts and culture reviews, current events, and much more.

Here’s what you can expect:

• We’ll share a queer take on the weekly Torah portion in preparation for Shabbat, some taken from
Torah Queeries: Weekly Commentaries on the Hebrew Bible
, some from other authors.
• We’ll spotlight synagogues and other Jewish institutions with best practices for LGBT inclusion. We’ll offer DIY queer Jewish events to bring to your own community.
• We’ll bring you fresh commentaries on Jewish holidays, as well as LGBT community holidays. Expect new resources and special readings for Pride month, National Coming Out Day, Transgender Day of Awareness, and for important dates on the queer calendar.
• We’ll invite activists, authors, and musicians to sound-off on the latest queer Jewish happenings in pop culture and the arts.
• We’ll feature posts on coming out, being LGBT and Orthodox, parenting an LGBT child, trans issues in the Jewish world, being in an LGBT interfaith relationship, marriage equality, queer clergy—plus lots more!

Know someone who would be a fabulous blog interviewee? Found a kosher bakery that sells rainbow challah? Have an exclusive scoop on Rachel Berry’s bat mitzvah? Discovered a trans connection to the Dead Sea Scrolls? We’re all ears and can’t wait to share new content. Shoot us an email to info@keshetonline.org. And if you’re interested in writing a blog post yourself, let us know!

Happy reading!

Idit Klein
Executive Director


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Keshet’s Top Ten Blog Posts of 2016

This year has been quite the journey. Here at Keshet, we’re reflecting on all we’ve learned and the stories we’ve ...

I AM: Trans People Speak

As October moves on into November, we move from LGBT Month into Trans Awareness Month, culminating in Transgender Day of Remembrance. ...

Parashat Bo: Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...
