Best of the Week

As the week comes to a close, here are some things you might have missed at

The Bible provides epic stories like Noah’s flood, Jonah and the Whale, and the Exodus. But here are ten stories that you might have missed (and would be surprised to find in the Bible).

Za’atar is an awesome middle eastern spice blend that makes things taste better. Now you can make it on your own.

Remember the 1990s? Remember television in the 1990s? Read our article about how sitcoms dealt with intermarriage during the Bill Clinton years.

Rabbi Bradley Artson offers advice about how to perform the mitzvah of visiting the sick. It can be uncomfortable for some, so any concrete advice can help.

Have a good weekend! Wish me happy birthday tomorrow!

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Best of the Week

What was better this week? Hanson coming out with a new music video or Justin Bieber performing on Saturday Night ...

Best of the Week

With the week coming to a close, here are some things you may have missed here at MJL.Another week, another ...

Best of the Week

Here is a look back at all the great stuff you might have missed this week on David Shneer’s ...