Best of the Rest

These weeks just go by so fast. Last week, we had Tisha B’Av and lurking in the distance are those perstering High Holidays. But this week, we had the highly underrated (some would argue that its actually highly overrated) Tu B’Av, the holidays for all the lovers out there.

People celebrate the holiday in different ways. Personally, I watched three hours of Food Network and cried myself to sleep. MyJewishLearning, though, decided to take a more positive spin on the day. You should check out our new Hot Topic featuring all of our new matchmaking interviews, along with Jen Abrams’ (our wonderful intern who finished with us this week) testimonial about finding her fiance on JDate.

Did you read our article on Meir Kahane? Check out all the things he did that led to his eventual assasination.

It’s been a tough summer not being at Camp Ramah in Canada for the first time in forever. If you’re like me, and miss your camp days, check out our awesome article about the evolution of socialist Jewish camps. Its pretty fascinating.

Shabbat Shalom!

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My My Machzor

For someone as book-addicted as I am, choosing a High Holidays prayerbook is a big commitment, not unlike asking someone ...

Tisha B’Av, Music, and Starbucks

Rabbi Reuven Hammer sees much present relevance to what Jeremiah had to say about the destruction of the first Temple ...

Tweet One Your Love

Okay, I’m not Stevie Wonder, and chances are you aren’t, either — but let’s not forget the grand Jewish tradition ...