Best of the Rest

There are only so many articles a website can put up in a week on their homepage. Plus, who can blame us for posting a cute doggy picture to go along with our article on ethical treatment of animals, to commemorate Michael Vick’s (Boo.) release from prison? By the way, Michael Vick is to America as Haman is to the Jews.

Okay, here is some of what you missed. By the way, you can always sign up for our “This Week on MyJewishLearning” RSS Feed. That way, any time an article is published, you’ll be the first to read it.

All of these articles come from the Jewish Women’s Archive:

– We got an article on Dinah, and her controversial story from the Book of Genesis.

– To go along with our ever expanding content on Ethiopian Jewry, we have two articles about women in Ethiopia. One on their role in society and the other about Ethiopian women in Israel.

– Finally, we have two new articles about the Bais Yaacov schools. One is about the history of the all-girl schools, and the other is about its founder, Sarah Schenirer.

Have a Shabbat Shalom and a good weekend!

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Best of the Rest

It’s been a short week. With Memorial Day on Monday and tomorrow being Shavuot, we only have a three day ...

Best of the Rest

Some people may wonder, “Hey Jeremy, if these articles are so great, how come they aren’t featured on the homepage?” ...

Rest of the Best. I Mean, Best of the Rest

How was everyone’s fast? Mine was yummy. Thanks for asking (Okay, I fasted. I promise).We’ve had a good week here ...