MJL Humor Bank: Updated and Funnier!

I can picture you now. Sitting at your computer. Refreshing your Facebook homepage every 20 seconds, hoping someone has posted a new quiz about themselves. You have a report due on your boss’ desk at 4:00 but you know it’s gonna be pretty bad. You have a horrible case of the Mondays.

Don’t worry though. I got a solution for all your troubles. And you don’t even have to leave your chair.

Introducing the new and improved MJL Humor Bank! Out are the old and stale jokes. In are hilarious videos, links, stories and amazing new jokes.

I promise good stuff. But if you know of any great videos, links, jokes, etc. that you don’t see there, shoot me an e-mail at jeremy@myjewishlearning.com and we will try to get it up there.


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