Cheap “Breaking Out” Necklace For Sale!

Look at this photo:


Now, besides this necklace being available for the very cheap price of $11.95, it also makes very little sense. If you read Hebrew, you will notice that the necklace says “GACH.”

What is GACH you ask? Thanks to the trusty Hebrew-English dictionary, I learned that it means “to break out.” Or maybe it stands for “Gemillut Chasadim (good deeds).”

Why would I post you a picture of a necklace that no one would ever wear because it makes no sense?

Because it doesn’t actually say GACH. Here is the description for the necklace:

“Never Again” Necklace. Powerfully symbolic design consists of a stainless steel octagon from which the letters “NA” and a Star of David are cut. “NA” stands for “Never Again”, a promise Jews have made to themselves to never forget the horrors of the Holocaust and to help prevent atrocities of any kind from occurring. Necklace is an important reminder and a meaningful statement- both as a Jew and a human being.

Ohhhhh…It’s a Holocaust thing.

After a day of people asking you what “GACH” means, I can promise you that you will never wear that again.

Shabbat Shalom.

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