Ken Anu Yecholim.

I don’t need to start a discussion on how pro-Israel Obama will be or how well he will treat the Jews because I think that topic has hit its limit.  I personally feel that while Israel might be my top issue in what I look for in a candidate/party, I also believe that it is a non-issue (I think both the Democrats and the Republicans have been pretty strong in proving their allegiance to Israel).  However, there are still some out there who have their doubts about the Democratic nominee.  That’s why I found it so great to see the website for Rabbis for Obama.

The National Democratic Jewish Council continuously sends out e-mails trying to prove why its safe for a Jew to vote for Obama, but that is expected of them.  What impresses me about Rabbis for Obama is that these rabbis did not have to put their name down on the list (of approx. 300).  These are community leaders who understand that their job does not end after they step off the pulpit.  Whether you agree with their political stance or not, I hope you commend them for taking a stand.

You also have to admit that the quote by Rabbis for Obama Co-Chair, Rabbi Steve Bob, is pretty funny: “When 300 rabbis agree on anything you know something is going on.”

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